Saturday, 23 June 2018

Stop Websites From Asking Your Location- Explained! | Techno Point

Stop Websites From Asking Your Location- Explained !

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          Friends, whichever browser you use, you must have seen the notifications which come again and again to ask for location access. If you've grown tired of answering those annoying browser prompts every time a website wants to show you notifications or know your location, you can turn the messages off forever with a few clicks in every major browser. Scroll down below for your browser and where to locate the appropriate settings in Chrome (desktop and Android), Firefox, Opera, Edge, Internet Explorer and Safari.


> From the drop-down menu, select SettingsAdvanced (scroll down) ➻  Content settings.

> From Chrome's content settings you can click into 'Location' and 'Notifications' separately to disable each. This will block the pop-ups forever while also preventing websites from knowing your location and sending you notifications. Here in below image as you can see, all you have to do is switch off the option "Ask before accessing".

Chrome (Android):

  • The exact same settings exist on the mobile version of Chrome found in Android devices. Although we wouldn't outright disable location settings on the browser like we'd do on the desktop (for obvious useful reasons), if one of your favorite websites annoys you with these kinds of prompts, you can always disable them on a per-site basis.
  • From the Chrome menu button on the top right corner, select Settings ➻ Under Settings, scroll down to Advanced Site Settings. There you will find discrete settings for both Location and Notifications, the default is set to "Ask first," you can set those to "Block" which will stop sites to prompt you for either.


> In the address bar type "about:config" and hit Enter ➸ Accept the risk when prompted.

> If you made it under the hood safely, In the search box on the “about:config” section Type geo.enabled and hit Enter.

> You’ll notice that the “geo.enabled” featured has been set to “True” by default. Double click on this option to change its value to “False.

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